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Dr. Jonathan Brown, D.C. - Logo


What Is NUCCA & QSM3?

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National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association

Dr. Jonathan Brown, D.C. is a member of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association, an organization that has been devoted to treating conditions of the upper cervical vertebrae since 1966. NUCCA publishes scientific papers on chiropractic care and treatments, and also conducts research for improved chiropractic care.
Chiropractic care


  • To maximize health potential through reducing the Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC)
  • To constructively impact the chiropractic professional through awareness of ASC and the effects of correcting it
  • To maintain an effective, responsible, and passionate organization dedicated to the standards of reducing ASC through measurable, objective, and reproducible means
  • To attract, engage, adjust, educate, mentor, and certify doctors in an open and supportive environment
  • To create ongoing opportunities for public awareness and healing from the NUCCA Method of corrections of ASC
Chiropractic care

The NUCCA Procedure

Here is some info about the differences between NUCCA chiropractic and traditional chiropractic and what we are actually doing for the betterment of the patients.

A gentle correction
Balance to the spine is restored in this step through a gentle touch and controlled contact on the first vertebrae in the neck. Although, this correction is mainly focused on the neck, its effects are visible on the entire spine and all body systems. The reason behind this is that the highest control centers of your body over body balance, the brain stem and central nervous system are influenced by the NUCCA procedure. The C-1 vertebrae, also called the Atlas, refer to a donut-like bone present at the top of the spine and the base of the skull that surrounds the brain stem. Stress on the spine can result in misalignment, resulting in a phenomenon known as the Atlas Subluxation Complex Syndrome (ASC) or the ASC Syndrome.

The balancing act
Your spinal column houses nerves which are very sensitive to stress and pressure. As a result of misalignment of the spine, these nerves are stressed, their normal impulses are compromised and their functions are changed throughout the body. The four primary functions of the nerves include:
  • Controlling and regulating all vital functions including circulation, breathing, and digestion
  • Activating muscles to allow us to move
  • Allowing us to sense, perceive, and feel
  • Relating us to the world outside ourselves including learning, experiencing, and behaving
When you decide to go ahead for a spinal misalignment examination, an extensive evaluation process starts. The beginning of the process includes looking at your detailed health history including any past traumas, motor vehicle accidents, surgeries, other treatment programs, and other diagnostic tests performed. We evaluate and assess your chief complaints, including location, onset, and duration in details. After the conclusion of this initial process, Dr. Brown will proceed towards the mandatory steps to determine your candidature for NUCCA care.

Finding the problem
The NUCCA primarily directs its attention on the relationship of the head to the neck and then proceeds towards problems related to the pelvis and body weight. The top bone of the neck, called the Atlas, must be in line with the head and the pelvis below. An injured spine can result in misalignment of these structures resulting in:
  • Uneven weight differential on the feet
  • Tilted and twisted pelvis
  • Bowing or collapsing of the thoracic spine or upper body
  • Tilting of the shoulders
  • Head tilt 
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